The Bullet Journal appealed to me because you can be as creative as you want and you don't need a lot of money to start.
I have collected many notebooks that I intend to use as a bullet journal. The top right notebook was supposed to be my first bujo (bullet journal). I got it at Walmart for around $5, maybe 6. The bottom right set of notebooks I bought in Chapters. The were $12.95 from Studio Oh and are the most expensive of my notebooks. The lower left notebook was from the Dollar Store. I got it for $3 and there is no brand on it whatsoever. All of these are lined notebooks which is not the preferred format for the bullet journal community who leans toward the dotted, hardspined Leuchtturm 1917. I found the Leuchtturm at Chapters for 26.95 and just could not justify spending that amount of money on a notebook at the time since I was not sure how taken I would be with the bujo system. I will however put it on my Christmas or Birthday wishlist or use it as an incentive for a goal of mine.