Last weekend Mom and Dad and Isabella came to visit. It was fun seeing them and especially watching Lavinia and Isabella play together. This time Lavinia was following Isabella’s lead. It’s very interesting because at home and at her Nanny’s she rules the roost. Lavinia seemed to go to bed well Friday night so the last night we put the two girls together in Lavinia’s bed. They did really good. Realistically I thought Lavinia might keep Isabella up and we might need to separte them but I never heard a sound that night. Lavinia did not “sneak out” that night. Lately she’s been raiding the refrigerator in the middle of the night while we are sleeping. The next morning we’d wake up to find cheese slice wrappers or empty yogurt containers. There were no signs of that behavior on Sunday morning. Isabella still slept in a bit. Mom and Dad were stunned that she was not awake. When she did wake up Mom asked her, “How did you sleep last night?” Isabella said, “Not very well. Lavinia was peeping all night.” None of us really knew what she meant so Mom asked, “ Really. How did she do that?” Isabella said, “Like this. Peep, peep, peep, peep.” Even though Isabella had a rough night, it was a great visit. The two girls were like two peas in a pod.
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